SUPER SMART your goals for 2013!

And with the new year comes the time to determine what you plan to accomplish by year-end and beyond. Most of us were taught at one time or another that we should write “SMART” Goals. Setting SMART goals is a good start, however, it is not enough. Today, we need to take SMART Goals to the next level. We need to SUPER SMART our goals.
Now you might be trying to remember what the SMART acronym letters represent:
S pecific
M easurable
A ction-oriented
R ealistic
T imely
According to the SMART Goal Setting Process, well-defined
goals are SPECIFIC. You know exactly what it is that you need to
accomplish. They are MEASURABLE. You know “how much” you need to achieve. This
way you know when you have “gotten there”. They are ACTION-ORIENTED which means they are written using some sort of
action verb that indicates what you are going to do. SMART Goals are REALISTIC and RELEVANT. They have to be within your reach, although
you do want to be sure you have put some “stretch” into them and they must be
relevant. They must be moving you in the
direction of achieving your dream.
Finally, SMART goals have a Time-component linked to them. They are not open-ended.
As mentioned, SMART Goals are a good start. The problem with
traditional SMART Goal Setting is that it does not go far enough. If you are not careful, you can go through
the process and establish goals that are “safe and guaranteed”. You want to be sure that you are including true
stretch into your goals. You may also be setting goals that do not have a real
connection to your longer term vision or dreams. In many cases you may not perceive the real
impact that goal achievement can have on you personally. And, finally, you may
not have incorporated interim reviews or “mini-goals” to ensure you are making
necessary progress.
When defining your SMART Goals in a “SUPER
SMART” way and use the following, you will take your goals setting to the
next level and increase the chances of accomplishing, even exceeding them:
S pecific using all of your Senses
M easurable with MilestonesA ction-oriented in Attack Mode
R ealistic with Reach
T ime-defined focused on the Target
© IMPACT Learning Inc. 2011
When setting your goals, not only do you need to make them specific
with the who, what, how much and when, you also need to be able to picture the
outcome using all of your senses. You
want to visualize exactly what the outcome will look and feel like. Picture it using all of your senses. You may want to draw it or have a photo of
what the outcome will look like. What
will you hear others say when you accomplish it? What will you say? By visualizing the achievement of your goal,
you make its outcome more real to you.
In general, when asked to make goals measureable, most people
can do it. For example a common goal
many folks share is to lose 20 pounds by the end of the year. The problem is
they set that same goal at the beginning of every year, never accomplishing it. As you establish the way you will measure the
success of your goal, be sure you have included some milestones along the way
so that you are monitoring your progress along the way. By monitoring your progress, you can
determine whether you are on track and make appropriate adjustments as necessary
to ensure your success.
Goals need to include the action you will take to
achieve them. You need to be sure that
you are “attacking” them with a sense of focus, enthusiasm and
If you goals are not realistic and relevant, you will set
yourself up for failure. However, you
also need to be sure that there is some reach incorporated into your
goals. You want to have some
stretch. People will always strive to
achieve a goal. When you have to reach
just a little farther, you will find that you will work a little harder and
smarter to get there.
Finally, incorporating time oriented deadlines is key to
ensuring you will reach your goal in a timely manner. By keeping the target visible and in
front of you, it will help you to maintain focus. Just like an archer will keep the bulls eye
in focus, you also need to have a visual reminder of your target. Post your goals in a place you can see them
everyday and be reminded so you can stay focused.
By taking your SMART Goals to the next level - “SUPER SMART”- you will find that you can
accomplish amazing things and faster than imagined.
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