Thursday, May 23, 2013

It's All In The Execution

It is all in the execution.  We all hear how the best laid plans often fail and that at least 60% of all plans never are implemented.  What happens?  There are several success factors that can enhance your likelihood of executing your plans successfully:
Focused action - keep yourself and your team on track and in focus
Sense of urgency- keep the energy and excitement ongoing
Leadership - you must accept the leadership and the responsibility. If you are inexperienced as a leader, develop this skill or get a business coach to help you
Teamwork - be sure you have a team to support goal attainment.  Learn more about team leadership and team dynamics
Roles and responsibilities - be sure everyone involved understand what they need to be doing, how much, by when, etc.
Communications- you must also be sure you have ongoing communication systems in place.  Consider internal and external communication needs
Supportive tools and resources- invest in the tools and resources that will get you to your goals.  Without these you may find your goal will be out of reach. An investment now can reap huge returns later.  Don’t be afraid to ask for help.
Measures - don’t forget to identify how you will measure success and to incorporate milestone measures along the way
Follow up - do not make assumptions and be sure to track and monitor your progress

If you keep the above success factors in mind, you are once again setting yourself up for short and long term success in 2013 and beyond.  Go for it!!!!    Carol     Visit for more business and leadership tips

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